Artists’ Own Consignment Sales

Interested in consignment?

Consignment Application

Take some time to visit the gallery and consider if your work would be suitable for our retail market. Part of our consideration of applicants is their ability to discriminate between what is suitable for our shop and what is not The consignee’s art is different than any of our members’ work in order to generate new interest in the gallery and not conflict with members’ sales. You may apply at any time for consignment and our Membership, Application and Personnel (MAP) will review your application. As a consignment artist, you will likely start with a 3 month contract at 40% commission paid to the gallery. The contract may or may not be renewed depending on interest and sales. We typically don’t accept consignment artists during November and December. We encourage you to share any marketing material (business cards, brochures, mailing list) that we can offer to our customers and include on the website.

The MAP Committee will review and present applications to the corporate group in a timely fashion. We are looking for artists who consistently present quality craftsmanship and can work within the cooperative structure. At the same time, we must strive to keep a mix of media and must be cognizant of the amount of space we have for display. The application process involves several steps that include an application, CD images, and possibly viewing actual work.

A member of the committee will contact you and keep you informed once the process of application begins. Upon acceptance, each consignee is free to set their own retail prices with a 40% commission going to Artists’ Own, Inc. Payments to the artist are made monthly. Artists’ Own reserves the right to refuse specific artwork from approved consignee for any reason but specifically in the case of artwork that is not up to our quality standards, duplicates work already in the shop, or is not suitable to our retail space. Any consignee is welcome to discuss these issues with us but we reserve the right to make a final decision in our own best interest.

What we consider in choosing consignment artists

  • Is work of high quality?
  • Is work saleable and appropriately priced?
  • Is it interesting and different from our members’ work?
  • Will our customers be interested?
  • Current sales trends

Responsibility of Consignment Artists

Financial Requirements
As a consignment artist, you will likely start with a 3 month contract at 40% commission paid to the gallery. The contract may or may not be renewed depending on interest and sales. We typically don’t accept consignment artists during November and December. We encourage you to share any marketing material (business cards, brochures, mailing list) that we can offer to our customers and include on the website.

Consignees are expected to properly label inventory as directed by MAP committee. Each is encouraged to maintain an inventory of recent work such that sold work may be immediately replaced by Display. Each artist may give input to the Display Committee with regards to the best display for his or her work. The Display Committee is ultimately responsible for all decisions regarding display.

Ready to apply?
Consignment Application